Product settings
How the AI search and product’s are displayed in the storefront.
P.S. We describe the Premium plan unless otherwise stated.
Search field text
Set a unique search text, for each language such as “Find your furniture, interior design and lights!”.
If no search text is set default text is “Search for product, brand, category and content”.
It’s possible to set the search text in each available language:
Product slider timer (sec)
Set how often to auto-swap product images on mouse-over in storefront - if a product has several images. Set to “0” to not auto-swap images at all:
Display a product description
Don’t display any product description at all (No description), display the short product description, or display part of the long product description:
If you're using the Business or Premium plan, the keywords that match the description are highlighted. This can help increase your conversion rate!
Both stock status and stock quantity are updated in real time. It only takes a few minutes from the change is made in your ecommerce platform until M:AI is updated!
Display stock statuses on products
Display or hide the stock status such as “In stock”, “Not in stock” or a stock status of your own.
Display stock quantity on products
Only visible if Stock status is ON. Displays the exact number of quantity in stock ie. “(50)”. If you don’t want to display the exact number you have in stock then simply set it to OFF.
Display product button
It’s possible to display a button at the bottom of each product card. The button isn’t an actual Buy-button, but a button that leads to the product page where the visitor may buy the product. It always leads to the correct, selected variant URL.
Product button text
Set the text that you want displayed on the button in each available language.
Displaying the color variants, a short description, stock status with a color dot and buy button with the title “Buy now”:
If a product has multiple images, an slider below the image will be shown to change the image. It also shows the number of images, which is two in this case.
The product slider will change the image every 2 seconds. This is based on the value set in "Product slider timer (sec)."
P.S. We describe the Premium plan unless otherwise stated.
Layout > Product settings
Search field text
Set a unique search text, for each language such as “Find your furniture, interior design and lights!”.
If no search text is set default text is “Search for product, brand, category and content”.
It’s possible to set the search text in each available language:
Product slider timer (sec)
Set how often to auto-swap product images on mouse-over in storefront - if a product has several images. Set to “0” to not auto-swap images at all:
Display a product description
Don’t display any product description at all (No description), display the short product description, or display part of the long product description:
If you're using the Business or Premium plan, the keywords that match the description are highlighted. This can help increase your conversion rate!
Stock status
Both stock status and stock quantity are updated in real time. It only takes a few minutes from the change is made in your ecommerce platform until M:AI is updated!
Display stock statuses on products
Display or hide the stock status such as “In stock”, “Not in stock” or a stock status of your own.
Display stock quantity on products
Only visible if Stock status is ON. Displays the exact number of quantity in stock ie. “(50)”. If you don’t want to display the exact number you have in stock then simply set it to OFF.
Product button
Display product button
It’s possible to display a button at the bottom of each product card. The button isn’t an actual Buy-button, but a button that leads to the product page where the visitor may buy the product. It always leads to the correct, selected variant URL.
Product button text
Set the text that you want displayed on the button in each available language.
Displaying the color variants, a short description, stock status with a color dot and buy button with the title “Buy now”:
If a product has multiple images, an slider below the image will be shown to change the image. It also shows the number of images, which is two in this case.
The product slider will change the image every 2 seconds. This is based on the value set in "Product slider timer (sec)."
Updated on: 24/01/2025