Articles on: Step-by-step guides

Products: List

We describe the Premium plan unless otherwise stated.

FAQ: How to drag-n-drop columns, use filters and search lists →

Product visibility

All products as well as their visibility are automatically imported if you’re using M:AI’s Ecommerce integration.

If a product is visible or not in the AI search is displayed by an icon:

Green icon = Visible

Black icon = Hidden

A product’s visibility is set with an ON/OFF button when you edit a product.

Change language & currency

Change language and currency at the top right corner to change what’s being displayed in the product list and product edit page:


Some product have variants, and they can be seen by clicking the left arrow that folds out and displays all variants belonging to that product:

The variant columns are also possible to drag-n-drop, hide, display and filter on:

Each variant list has it’s own search field and only searches the variants for the selected product:

Add, Edit, Reimport or Delete a variant

To each product, variants may be added. You may also edit the product to ie. add additional languages, add a longer description etc. Click the …-icon on the right hand side:

Each variant may also be edited or deleted directly in the product list:

Continue your education with Products: Edit a product →

Updated on: 24/01/2025