Articles on: Install M:AI (Integration)

WooCommerce: How to import products? (Part 1/2)

A. Installation part 1:

How to import products?

The following steps explain how you do this part of the installation yourself.

M:AI Admin

1. Login to your M:AI Admin.

Use the same email address you used when applying for a M:AI account.
If you haven't got any password, use the "Forget password?" to request a new password:

2. Logged into M:AI admin, go to Ecommerce > WooCommerce > Install:

3. Enter your ecommerce website domain name:

How to get Consumer key and Consumer secret is described in the steps below. Open a new tab or window in your web browser and do the steps below.

WooCommerce Admin

4. Login to your WooCommerce Admin.

Go to Settings > WooCommerce > Advanced > REST API > Add key:
(If you have Wordpress, then it's WooCommerce > Settings instead)

5. When you create the REST API key:

Set any Description you like

Choose your User, if it's not already pre-chosen

Set Permissions to "Read/Write"

Click "Generate API key"

A generated API key will look like this:
(In the next step you will copy this key.)

ps. If you experience trouble creating API keys, please follow WooCommerce's manual how to create API keys.

Back in M:AI Admin

6. Copy API key from WooCommerce Admin to M:AI Admin's "Configure WooCommerce":

Copy and paste the Consumer key

Copy and paste the Consumer secret

Now that all the information is filled in, click Connect:

You should be automatically redirected back to M:AI Admin.
In the Integration tasks list you'll notice that the import of all your products from WooCommerce are now in progress!

You’re done!

Continue to step 2/2 of this installation →

Any issues along the way? Feel free to contact us and we’ll try to help.

Updated on: 31/01/2025